Service state evaluation for expansion joints of suspension bridge under extreme vehicle braking load

LI Guangling1, HAN Wanshui2, ZHANG Lu3, ZHANG Yumin1

Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (15) : 186-195.

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Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (15) : 186-195.

Service state evaluation for expansion joints of suspension bridge under extreme vehicle braking load

  • LI Guangling1, HAN Wanshui2, ZHANG Lu3, ZHANG Yumin1
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To evaluate the service state of expansion joints of suspension bridge under extreme vehicle braking loads at operation stage, based on the existing vehicle-bridge coupling vibration analysis system, the braking force and pitching moment of the vehicle were introduced to establish analysis system considering the process of vehicle braking, which was verified by load test. Combining monitored traffic flow data with variable parameter speed-density relationship model, the speed-density model matched with lane monitored data was derived, and the traffic volume and speed values could be determined under different traffic flow density states. A stochastic traffic flow simulation method combing traffic flow and vehicle characteristics considering variable correlation was simulated. The extreme traffic flow braking model was high fidelity modeled considering driver response time and congestion flow model. The working limit state of expansion joints was taken as the criterion, and the corresponding working region and failure region could be defined. Taking a suspension bridge an an calculation example, service state of expansion joints of suspension bridge were evaluated under scenarios with non-braking, single-lane braking and double-lane braking vehicle loads. The results indicated that the established analysis system could provide a numerical analysis platform for service state evaluation of expansion joints under extreme braking vehicle loads. Compared with non-braking and single-lane braking scenarios, the mean of extreme values of longitudinal deformation under double-lane braking with normally operation on the opposite lane reached the maximum, and was 416.25mm, which was far less than the designed allowance -640-770mm. The mean of extreme values of angle around the vertical axis under singe-lane braking and double-lane braking scenarios were 0.075rad, 0.082rad, which were over the designed allowance -0.0557rad-0.0557rad, causing that expansion joints was prone to over tension at one end or compression at the other end It was suggested that the extreme braking vehicle loads should be considered in the design process to ensure the work reserve of the deformation of expansion joints. In addition, when the lane braking condition occured, the vehicles in the opposite lane should be not allowed to enter the bridge range immediately until the traffic accident state was relieved.
Key words: bridge engineering; suspension bridge, expansion joints; longitudinal deformation; angle around the vertical axis; service state evalution

Key words

bridge engineering / suspension bridge, expansion joints / longitudinal deformation / angle around the vertical axis / service state evalution

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LI Guangling1, HAN Wanshui2, ZHANG Lu3, ZHANG Yumin1. Service state evaluation for expansion joints of suspension bridge under extreme vehicle braking load[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2022, 41(15): 186-195


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