A new testing method for low frequency impact environment of ships

JI Chen1,GUO Jun2,FENG Linhan1,HAO Ning2

Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (8) : 110-115.

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Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (8) : 110-115.

A new testing method for low frequency impact environment of ships

  • JI Chen1,GUO Jun2,FENG Linhan1,HAO Ning2
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When the accelerometer is used to test the low-frequency impact environment of ships, it is easy to produce "zero drift" effect, which leads to large error and unreliability of the results. Therefore, through the analysis of the formation mechanism of low frequency impact environment, this paper proposes an indirect test method based on the total vibration strain of ship shock trail. The validity of the proposed method is verified based on the test data of a real ship. Results show that the average error of the new method is 12.6% compared with the data measured by the low frequency oscillator. Compared with the traditional method, this technology has the advantages of simple sensor installation, low number of measurement points and large effective coverage of the ship length, which has important reference value for the low-frequency impact environment test of ship shock trail.

Key words

Ship shock / Low-frequency impact environment / The total vibration / Ship shock trial

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JI Chen1,GUO Jun2,FENG Linhan1,HAO Ning2. A new testing method for low frequency impact environment of ships[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2022, 41(8): 110-115


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