A study of fracture range of tunnel surrounding rock under blasting

LI Fangtao1, HU Zhiping1,2, CHEN Nannan1, ZHANG Yonghui1, AN Xuexu1

Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (8) : 260-269.

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Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (8) : 260-269.

A study of fracture range of tunnel surrounding rock under blasting

  • LI Fangtao1, HU Zhiping1,2, CHEN Nannan1, ZHANG Yonghui1,  AN Xuexu1
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The Fractures of tunnel surrounding rock under blasting load create good conditions for karst development and groundwater movement. In order to study the fracture range of surrounding rock under blasting load, considering the influence of medium principal stress and circumferential tensile stress, two kinds of calculation models of crushing area are obtained based on unified strength criterion and Mohr Coulomb strength criterion respectively. When the crushing area is filled with blasting gas, the secondary expansion range of fracture is calculated. Then, the scope of crushing area and fracture area is calculated through an engineering example, and the calculation results are compared and verified with the site experiment results. Finally, the following conclusions are obtained: (1) The calculation method of crushing area based on unified strength theory considers plastic damage, which is suitable for the calculation of tunnel crushing area. The theoretical calculation results are in good agreement with the site experiments results. This method can be used to design blasting parameters of tunnel with strict control of over excavation and under excavation; (2) The calculation method of crushing area based on Mohr Coulomb strength criterion does not consider plastic damage. Compared with the existing calculation methods based on Mohr Coulomb strength criterion, the circumferential tensile stress is considered, and the calculation unit body is more in line with the actual stress situation. The main difference between the two calculation methods of crushing area in this paper is whether the range of plastic damage is included. The two calculation methods should be selected according to different engineering requirements in practical application; (3) The site experiment results show that the calculation results of the fracture zone range based on the unified strength theory are close to the site experiments results, and this method can be used to calculate the fracture range of tunnel surrounding rock under similar blasting action.

Key words

blasting load
/ surrounding rock range / crushing area / unified strength theory

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LI Fangtao1, HU Zhiping1,2, CHEN Nannan1, ZHANG Yonghui1, AN Xuexu1. A study of fracture range of tunnel surrounding rock under blasting[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2022, 41(8): 260-269


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