Numerical simulation of multiphase flow field and trajectory characteristics of high-speed spinning projectile entry water in wave

LI Zhitao1,2,ZHAO Shiping1,2,LU Bingju1,2,YU Yong3

Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (8) : 72-78.

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Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (8) : 72-78.

Numerical simulation of multiphase flow field and trajectory characteristics of high-speed spinning projectile entry water in wave

  • LI Zhitao1,2,ZHAO Shiping1,2,LU Bingju1,2,YU Yong3
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Based on the overlapping grid technique and 6-DOF algorithm, the numerical simulation of the water entry process of a high-speed pinning projectile in waves is carried out. The cavitation shape, trajectory characteristics and hydrodynamic load characteristics of the projectile at different positions of wave surface, such as wave crest, wave node 1, wave trough and wave node 2, are analyzed. The results show that the projectile body experiences water impact, cavitation formation, supercavitating and wetting under four cases, among which the tail of wave node 2 collides with the cavitation first, and the tail of wave node 1 collides with the cavitation last. At the end of the simulation, the lateral displacement and velocity change from large to small are wave node 2, wave crest, wave trough and wave node 1. In the initial stage of the four cases, the force and moment coefficients magnitude of the projectile sailing in the cavity are small. In the later stage of water entry, the surface of the projectile is wet in a large area. The force and moment coefficients under different cases are quite different. The nominal entry-water angle is 25 degree and the same under the four cases, but due to the existence of wave surface, the actual entry-water angle of the projectile change. The effective entry-water angle of the projectile from small to large are wave node 2, wave crest, wave trough and wave node 1, and the values are 10.3094 degree, 25.0032 degree, 25.0098 degree and 39.6620 degree respectively.

Key words

high-speed spinning projectile / wave entry / overlapping grid / wave-generation method of defining inlet boundary conditions;

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LI Zhitao1,2,ZHAO Shiping1,2,LU Bingju1,2,YU Yong3. Numerical simulation of multiphase flow field and trajectory characteristics of high-speed spinning projectile entry water in wave[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2022, 41(8): 72-78


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