Low frequency broadband sound absorber based on FP channel-foamed aluminum plate composite structure

KE Yibo, ZHANG Lin, WU Yue, TAO Meng

Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (9) : 128-135.

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Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (9) : 128-135.

Low frequency broadband sound absorber based on FP channel-foamed aluminum plate composite structure

  • KE Yibo, ZHANG Lin, WU Yue, TAO Meng
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The sub-wavelength composite sound absorption structure of FP(fast pass) channel and foamed aluminum is proposed, which strikes a balance between low frequency and broadband sound absorption, with the average absorption coefficient reaching 90%. The pressure-thermal viscosity sound finite element numerical analysis model of the composite sound absorption structure is established, and the experimental results of the impedance tube verify that the composite structure has good sound absorption characteristics starting from the designed cutoff frequency of 366Hz. Based on the finite element analysis method, the effects of cutoff frequency common ratio, sound absorption area ratio, number of channels and thickness of aluminum foam on the sound absorption performance of FP channels are discussed. Moreover, the sound absorption properties are compared with other composite structures. The results show that the composite sound absorption structure has a certain application value in the field of noise control.

Key words

sub-wavelength / broadband sound absorption / foamed aluminum / composite sound absorption structure

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KE Yibo, ZHANG Lin, WU Yue, TAO Meng. Low frequency broadband sound absorber based on FP channel-foamed aluminum plate composite structure[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2022, 41(9): 128-135


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