Human induced load tests for pedestrian walking up and down stairs considering different rise and run ratios

ZHANG Yao1,2, SONG Zhigang1

Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (9) : 299-307.

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Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (9) : 299-307.

Human induced load tests for pedestrian walking up and down stairs considering different rise and run ratios

  • ZHANG Yao1,2, SONG Zhigang1
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To set up the pedestrian-induced load model on stairs and evaluate the influences of step geometry, the load measurements were executed on three kinds of stairs with different values of rise and run ratios (namely 1:1.6, 1:2.0 and 1:2.3). 27 volunteers were asked to ascend and descend on stairs under the step frequencies ranging from 1.6Hz to 4.4Hz. A total of 2046 series of load time histories were recorded by wireless inertial measurement units, and were divided into harmonics by the Fourier transform. The dynamic load factors (DLFs) were statistically summarized with respect to step frequencies. Further, the relative deviations of the average DLFs of each kind of stairs is introduced to evaluate the influence of rise and run ratios. Finally, the phase angle of each harmonics was proposed to reconstruct the load histories, which were compared with measured ones to verify the load model. Results shows that the rise and run ratios have limited influences on DLFs. The deviation induced by the geometrical feature is within 30%.

Key words

vibration serviceability / staircases / human-induced loads, rise and run ratios

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ZHANG Yao1,2, SONG Zhigang1. Human induced load tests for pedestrian walking up and down stairs considering different rise and run ratios[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2022, 41(9): 299-307


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