Dynamic characteristics of the overhead system under the existing multi track railway in loess area

ZHANG Yuwei1,2,ZHOU Pengyuan1,2,SONG Zhanping1,2,WANG Jian3,LIU Qi1

Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (18) : 206-216.

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Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (18) : 206-216.

Dynamic characteristics of the overhead system under the existing multi track railway in loess area

  • ZHANG Yuwei1,2,ZHOU Pengyuan1,2,SONG Zhanping1,2,WANG Jian3,LIU Qi1
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The overhead system of the new line under the existing operating railway is obviously affected by the dynamic load of the operating train. In order to evaluate the safety of the overhead structure system of the existing operating railway under the action of train dynamic load, relying on the overpass project of Jingjiu road under Longhai railway, the dynamic response of the overhead structure system of the existing operating railway is studied by using numerical simulation and on-site monitoring methods. Considering the influence of train load with different running speed and axle load, the dynamic characteristics of sleepers, cross lifting beams and overhead piles are analyzed from three aspects: vibration acceleration, vertical displacement and dynamic stress. The results show that the overhead system is more sensitive to the change of train speed than train load, and the overhead pile is more sensitive to the change of train speed and train load than steel sleeper. However, the numerical results and monitoring data show that the dynamic response values of the overhead system are within the allowable range, and the overhead construction is safe.

Key words

Loess / Overhead structure / Dynamic characteristics / Numerical simulation / Field monitoring

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ZHANG Yuwei1,2,ZHOU Pengyuan1,2,SONG Zhanping1,2,WANG Jian3,LIU Qi1. Dynamic characteristics of the overhead system under the existing multi track railway in loess area[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2023, 42(18): 206-216


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