Effects of low temperature environment on acoustic performance of porous material

WAN Zhong1, JIA Fuxin2, MA Wengeng2, SUN Ming3, SUN Limin4

Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (19) : 260-265.

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Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (19) : 260-265.

Effects of low temperature environment on acoustic performance of porous material

  • WAN Zhong1, JIA Fuxin2, MA Wengeng2, SUN Ming3, SUN Limin4
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For the influence of a low-temperature environment on the acoustic properties of porous outfitting materials, the acoustic characteristic parameters test of the impedance tube is carried out. Based on the transfer function method, the study carries out the different environmental factors that influence ship outfitting material acoustic performance test study. The law of the influence of temperature and moisture content on the acoustic properties of glass wool material is given. On this basis, the port icebreaker as an example to analyze the effect of the low-temperature acoustic performance of glass wool material on the cabin noise. The study shows that the high-frequency sound absorption coefficient of wet glass wool at low temperatures will decrease significantly with increasing moisture content, and the insertion loss will increase with increasing moisture content. However, the changes in the acoustic properties of porous outfitting materials resulting in the polar environment do not innoise.

Key words

Low temperature environment / Porous material / Acoustic performance / Impedance tube method / Cabin noise;

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WAN Zhong1, JIA Fuxin2, MA Wengeng2, SUN Ming3, SUN Limin4. Effects of low temperature environment on acoustic performance of porous material[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2023, 42(19): 260-265


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