The shape of nozzle is one of the most important factors affecting the mode characteristics of the supersonic jet screech tone noise. However, there is a lack of research on the screech tone noise of supersonic jets from non-axisymmetric nozzles other than rectangular jets. In order to study the effect of non-axisymmetric contraction nozzle on the screech tone noise of supersonic jet, circular jet, square jet and equilateral triangle jet were investigated experimentally. It is found that compared with circular nozzle or square nozzle, triangular nozzle has great potential to suppress screech tone noise. The azimuthal decomposition method was adopted for mode characteristics analysis on screech tone noise from different shape of nozzles. The results show that the mode characteristics of the screech tone fundamental frequency of mode A and mode B of circular jet, square jet and triangle jet are basically the same, while there are some differences in the second harmonic of mode A screech tone. When the fully expanded jet Mach number exceeds 1.32, the unique screech tone mode of triangular jet appears. The fundamental and second harmonics of this screech tone mode are axisymmetric.
Key words
supersonic jet noise /
screech tone /
mode characteristic /
azimuthal decomposition.
{{custom_keyword}} /
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