Planetary gearbox fault diagnosis based on composite multi-scale cross fuzzy entropy

HOU Shuangshan,ZHENG Jinde,PAN Haiyang,TONG Jinyu,LIU Qingyun

Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (20) : 130-135.

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Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (20) : 130-135.

Planetary gearbox fault diagnosis based on composite multi-scale cross fuzzy entropy

  • HOU Shuangshan,ZHENG Jinde,PAN Haiyang,TONG Jinyu,LIU Qingyun
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Fuzzy entropy is not only a nonlinear dynamic analysis method to measure the complexity of time series, but also an effective tool to extract the nonlinear fault features of gearbox. However, the fuzzy entropy only measures the complexity for a single time series and the coupling characteristics between two sequences are ignored. To fully utilize the rich information between vibration signals, the cross-entropy theory, which can effectively measure the synchronization, similarity and mutual prediction of two time series, is introduced into the planetary gearbox fault diagnosis. Aiming at the problem that the entropy value of a single scale can not fully reflect the pattern similarity between sequences, this paper makes a multi-scale analysis of time series by means of composite coarsening, and a composite multi-scale cross fuzzy entropy method to measure the similarity and mutual prediction of two channel time series is proposed. Based on that, a new fault diagnosis method based on composite multi-scale cross fuzzy entropy and firefly algorithm optimization support vector machine is proposed for planetary gearbox. Finally, the proposed fault diagnosis method is applied to the test data analysis of planetary gearbox by comparing with the existing methods. The analysis results indicate that the proposed method can effectively extract the nonlinear fault features of gearbox and has a higher recognition rate in fault type identification than the compared methods.

Key words

fuzzy entropy / multi-scale fuzzy entropy / composite multi-scale cross fuzzy entropy (CMCFE) / planetary gearbox / fault diagnosis.

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HOU Shuangshan,ZHENG Jinde,PAN Haiyang,TONG Jinyu,LIU Qingyun. Planetary gearbox fault diagnosis based on composite multi-scale cross fuzzy entropy[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2023, 42(20): 130-135


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