Double nonlinear theory and application of compressible superelastic rubber isolation bearings with large deformation in compression and shear

YANG Jing1,2,PAN Wen1,2,SU Hexian1,2,WANG Daohang1,3,CAI Zheng1,2

Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (24) : 237-248.

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Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (24) : 237-248.

Double nonlinear theory and application of compressible superelastic rubber isolation bearings with large deformation in compression and shear

  • YANG Jing1,2,PAN Wen1,2,SU Hexian1,2,WANG Daohang1,3,CAI Zheng1,2
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Subject to the high strength constraint of steel plate, the assumption of incompressibility of rubber in rubber isolation bearing does not conform to the reality. In this paper, based on the single-layer rubber compression and bending theory, the compressible variable K of the rubber material is introduced into its constraint equation using the analytical method, and the stability of the imaginary zoned Bessel function is judged in conjunction with the actual engineering, and the constitutive equations are solved to obtain the equivalent elastic modulus Ec and equivalent bending stiffness (EI)eff and the stress p at each internal point of the seismic isolation bearing in the compression and bending states are established respectively, and compare and analyze the necessity of considering rubber compressibility, and the influence of rubber material parameters K, G and bearing geometry coefficient S1 on the above results. Then the seismic isolation bearing is equated to a homogeneous body conforming to GAs、(EI)eff, based on the Haringx theory of internal forces and deformations of seismic isolation bearings, compressive-shear experiments were carried out on full-size seismic isolation bearings, and combined with the experiments, the theoretical and experimental G- and FH- curves for each force state of the bearings were found to be in good agreement. The geometrical and material dual nonlinearities of the large shear deformation of the seismic isolation
bearing in compression shear are solved. Based on the above conclusions, the distribution of internal force and deformation of the compression-shear isolated bearing is derived, as well as the trend of non-linear growth of force and deformation of the bearing with the increase of axial pressure, the increase of its additional overturning moment M is larger, and the change of stress with axial pressure is also more obvious. Finally, the monitoring procedure of inversion of macroscopic force and deformation by the internal local stress of the bearing is designed.

Key words

rubber seismic isolation bearing / rubber bulk modulus / shear modulus / hyperelastic constitutive equation / the Bessel equation for imaginary zonules / Geometric, material nonlinearities

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YANG Jing1,2,PAN Wen1,2,SU Hexian1,2,WANG Daohang1,3,CAI Zheng1,2. Double nonlinear theory and application of compressible superelastic rubber isolation bearings with large deformation in compression and shear[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2023, 42(24): 237-248


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