Curve adaptability of intelligent recognition algorithm for high-speed railway wheel flat

LIU Xuqi, HE Zhenxing, YANG Lirong

Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (5) : 223-232.

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Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (5) : 223-232.

Curve adaptability of intelligent recognition algorithm for high-speed railway wheel flat

  • LIU Xuqi, HE Zhenxing, YANG Lirong
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High-speed railway wheel-rail dynamic interaction is complex in curve section, the adaptability of intelligent recognition algorithm in curve section is the premise of realizing continuous recognition and tracking wheel flat along the whole line. Considering the random characteristics of wheel flat signal of high-speed railway, a method of wheel flat recognition based on variational mode decomposition (VMD) was proposed. Considering the influence of different curve sections and rail sides, the random response of wheel-rail force obtained by dynamic calculation was decomposed by variational mode decomposition and the signal was reconstructed. The impact frequency and corresponding length of wheel flat are identified by envelope spectrum characteristics. The results show that the envelope spectrum of normal wheel is obviously different from the wheel with flat. In envelope spectrum, the frequency double peak above 10 mm wheel flat is obvious; The peak frequency characteristics of frequency doubling are consistent with the impact frequency of flat corresponding to train speed; The mean value of the amplitude corresponding to the first four orders of frequency multiplication is linear with the length of flat, which can be used to directly distinguish the length of flat. After correcting the length of flat recognized by the curve outer rail side, the continuous recognition and tracking of the wheel flat can be realized.

Key words

Wheel flat / Curve line / Fault identification / Variational modal decomposition

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LIU Xuqi, HE Zhenxing, YANG Lirong. Curve adaptability of intelligent recognition algorithm for high-speed railway wheel flat[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2023, 42(5): 223-232


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