Fault detection of sun gear based on narrowband demodulation of IAS signals

YIN Xingchao, GUO Yu, LI Zhentao, HUA Jianxiang

Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (5) : 263-268.

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Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (5) : 263-268.

Fault detection of sun gear based on narrowband demodulation of IAS signals

  • YIN Xingchao, GUO Yu, LI Zhentao, HUA Jianxiang
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Because the time-varying transmission path and the vibration sensor are limited by the lower limit of measured frequency, it is difficult to detect the solar wheel fault based on conventional vibration signals under the condition of low rotational speed. In this paper, combining the advantages of encoder signal, a sun wheel fault detection method based on narrow band demodulation technology of encoder signal is proposed. Firstly, the Angle signal of raster encoder is collected by T method, then instantaneous angular velocity (IAS) signal is obtained by forward difference method, then the asynchronous interference component is suppressed by Angle domain synchronous averaging, and finally the fault detection of solar wheel is realized by narrowband demodulation. Meanwhile, a kurtosis based demodulation frequency band selection strategy and a fault feature enhancement method based on phase change rate of phase demodulation function are proposed. Experimental results show that IAS signal can effectively overcome the shortcomings of conventional vibration detection methods, and the proposed method can effectively realize the detection of solar wheel faults.

Key words

planetary gearbox / instantaneous angular speed signal / narrow band demodulation / rotation synchronous averaging

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YIN Xingchao, GUO Yu, LI Zhentao, HUA Jianxiang. Fault detection of sun gear based on narrowband demodulation of IAS signals[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2023, 42(5): 263-268


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