Load resisting mechanism of RC spatial beam-column substructures with unequal spans in the loss of a corner column scenario

LI Zhi1,2,XUE Tianqi1,2,YUAN Xiaolan1,2,ZHANG Yi1,2,QIAN Kai1,2

Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (6) : 115-125.

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Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (6) : 115-125.

Load resisting mechanism of RC spatial beam-column substructures with unequal spans in the loss of a corner column scenario

  • LI Zhi1,2,XUE Tianqi1,2,YUAN Xiaolan1,2,ZHANG Yi1,2,QIAN Kai1,2
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In this paper, Pushdown loading tests was carried out on RC spatial beam-column substructure under loss of a column scenario and a refined finite element (FE) model was established, which were used to study the progressive collapse resistance performance of RC spatial beam-column substructures with unequal spans. And the influence of horizontal constraints on the top of corner column, transverse reinforcement ratio at corner joint, and spatial action on the progressive collapse resistance of substructure was analyzed. The results indicated that for the RC spatial beam-column structure under the loss of a corner column, the structure cannot develop effective catenary action and the collapse resistance mainly relied on the beam action. It should be noted that the contribution of Vierendeel action cannot be ignored. Increasing the horizontal constraints at the corner column, the first peak load of the substructures will increase. However, the corner column may suffer greater shear stress and prone to cause shear failure. Installing an amount of transverse reinforcement at the corner joint could delay or mitigate the shear failure of the corner joint. Thus, progressive collapse resistance capacity of the substructures could be upgraded. Moreover, for the case of corner column failure, the spatial effects could not be taken as simple summation of the load resistance of the plain frame as the spatial effects may aggravate the shear failure of the corner joint.

Key words

RC spatial structure / Finite element analysis / Vierendeel action / Spatial action / Progressive collapse

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LI Zhi1,2,XUE Tianqi1,2,YUAN Xiaolan1,2,ZHANG Yi1,2,QIAN Kai1,2. Load resisting mechanism of RC spatial beam-column substructures with unequal spans in the loss of a corner column scenario[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2023, 42(6): 115-125


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