A global damage index for a high-rise concrete TV tower based on the incremental dynamic analysis

QIU Yikun1,ZHEN Wei1,ZHOU Changdong2

Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (8) : 111-118.

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Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (8) : 111-118.

A global damage index for a high-rise concrete TV tower based on the incremental dynamic analysis

  • QIU Yikun1,ZHEN Wei1,ZHOU Changdong2
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Due to the lack of multi-seismic defense lines, the high-rise concrete TV tower structures are easy to be damaged under the earthquake. The evaluation of the damage state of the structure after the earthquake is of great significance to evaluate the seismic performance and recoverability of the structure after the earthquake. In this paper, a new global damage model,defined by the ratio of the area enclosed by the IDA curves,based on the incremental dynamic analysis (Incremental dynamic analysis, IDA) method is proposed. The principle of structural damage state and the selection method of ground motion intensity measure are introduced, and it is proved that the overall damage value proposed in this paper increases monotonously with the increase of ground motion intensity measure. Taking Beijing CCTV Tower as an object, the applicability of this damage model and other damage models to the structure of high-rise concrete TV tower is studied. The results show that the model proposed in this paper solves the problem of local decline of damage evolution curves of other models. in addition, the shape characteristics of damage evolution curves of this model are more consistent with the brittle failure characteristics of TV tower structure.

Key words

global damage index / high-rise RC TV structures / damage evolution curves / incremental dynamic analysis / area under curves;

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QIU Yikun1,ZHEN Wei1,ZHOU Changdong2. A global damage index for a high-rise concrete TV tower based on the incremental dynamic analysis[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2023, 42(8): 111-118


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