Analysis of vibration characteristics of ground rod auxiliary drilling rig
WANG Xuejun,XIONG Jinjin
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Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650500, China
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In order to analyze the vibration during the working process of the ground rod auxiliary drilling rig and improve it. The simulation model of the ground rod auxiliary drilling rig is established and setting parameters, the modal analysis of the ground rod auxiliary drilling rig is carried out to obtain the natural frequency and mode shape of the whole machine, and the transient dynamics of the ground rod auxiliary drilling rig is carried out using the finite element analysis method. Through analysis, the vibration acceleration and frequency spectrum of the machine under different motor speed and different loads are obtained. Through the dynamic signal test of the whole machine, the vibration acceleration and frequency spectrum of each measuring point are obtained. The simulation results are in good agreement with the experimental results. The simulation and experimental results show that the motor speed has a great influence on the vibration characteristics of the ground rod auxiliary drilling rig, while the load has little influence on it. The vibration reduction optimization of the ground rod auxiliary drilling rig is carried out, and the vibration acceleration amplitude and stress strain of the ground rod auxiliary drilling rig before and after optimization are compared. service life.
WANG Xuejun,XIONG Jinjin.
Analysis of vibration characteristics of ground rod auxiliary drilling rig[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2023, 42(8): 152-159
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