Annoyance level of metro train-induced environmental vibration based on evaluation index conversion method

MA Meng, WANG Tingting, WANG Jiaxin

Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2024, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (11) : 306-311.

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Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2024, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (11) : 306-311.

Annoyance level of metro train-induced environmental vibration based on evaluation index conversion method

  • MA Meng, WANG Tingting, WANG Jiaxin
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To investigate the relationship between metro train-induced environmental vibration level and human subjective annoyance, the index conversion method was employed. The conversion relationship between the maximum Z-vibration level VLz,max and vibration dose value VDV was derived. The undetermined coefficients in the conversion equation were fitted using in-situ measurement results. Finally, the index VLz,max -based exposure-response curves were obtained using the index VDV -based exposure-response relationship. The evaluation of resident annoyance is preliminary achieved based on the index suggested by Chinese national standards. The results indicate that, the annoyance percentage increases with the number of pass-by trains. The annoyance corresponding to the vibration limit values recommended by GB10070, GB/T50355 and GB55016 are basically consistent with those in international standards. The highly annoyance percentage for the strictest limits is approximately 3%.

Key words

metro / environmental vibration / vibration indicator / vibration comfort / exposure-response relationship

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MA Meng, WANG Tingting, WANG Jiaxin. Annoyance level of metro train-induced environmental vibration based on evaluation index conversion method[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2024, 43(11): 306-311


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