Multi-channel gearbox composite fault diagnosis based on fusion of RF and D-S evidence theory

JIA Shunyu1,2,3,4, QI Yongsheng1,2,3, WEI Shujuan1,2,3, LIU Liqiang1,2,3, LI Yongting1,2,3

Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2024, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (13) : 115-125.

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Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2024, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (13) : 115-125.

Multi-channel gearbox composite fault diagnosis based on fusion of RF and D-S evidence theory

  • JIA Shunyu1,2,3,4, QI Yongsheng1,2,3, WEI Shujuan1,2,3, LIU Liqiang1,2,3, LI Yongting1,2,3
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Aiming at the difficulty of extracting the composite fault features of the gearbox, the lack of automatic identification in the diagnosis, and the failure information is often not fully represented by a single channel, a multi-channel gearbox composite fault diagnosis method based on the fusion of random forest and evidence theory is proposed. Firstly, the composite faults signal of each channel is decomposed by wavelet packet transform (WPT), and the eigenvectors of the fault signal are obtained; Next, a new feature set combination framework is introduced to construct feature datasets for different faults, and a single classification model is divided by random forest algorithm; Then comprehensively consider each classification model, synthesize the ensemble classifier under each channel, and propose a new iterative self-update strategy to continuously improve the performance of the classifier; Finally, an improved D-S evidence theory algorithm based on Lance distance is designed, the algorithm uses the Lance distance to measure the evidence distance between each spatial evidence, and constructs the Lance matrix, from this, a similarity matrix is obtained to measure the similarity and support between the various evidence bodies, the final diagnostic fusion result is obtained by calculating the sensitivity weight coefficients of each channel for BPA correction. The algorithm is verified by the gearbox experimental platform, and the results show that the method can effectively identify each type of fault contained in the composite faults, and can fully integrate the fault redundancy information of different channels to realize the accurate diagnosis of the gearbox composite faults.

Key words

gearbox / composite faults / random forest algorithm / multi-channel / evidence theory

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JIA Shunyu1,2,3,4, QI Yongsheng1,2,3, WEI Shujuan1,2,3, LIU Liqiang1,2,3, LI Yongting1,2,3. Multi-channel gearbox composite fault diagnosis based on fusion of RF and D-S evidence theory[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2024, 43(13): 115-125


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