Fatigue behaviors of glulam beams connected with steel splints and bolts

CHEN Aijun, YANG Lei, ZHOU Jianhua, WANG Hang, HE Guojing, WANG Haolei

Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2024, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (14) : 243-252.

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Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2024, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (14) : 243-252.

Fatigue behaviors of glulam beams connected with steel splints and bolts

  • CHEN Aijun, YANG Lei, ZHOU Jianhua, WANG Hang, HE Guojing, WANG Haolei
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The glulam beams connected with steel splints and bolts was subjected to cyclic reciprocating dynamic loads in practical engineering applications, which was prone to damage accumulation and component failure.In order to study the fatigue characteristics of the glulam beams connected with steel splints and bolts, the fatigue damage morphology and mechanism of the glulam beams were analyzed, the stiffness degradation law was studied, and the fatigue limit load was explored through the constant amplitude fatigue test at different stress levels and static comparative test.The test results show that the fatigue damage of the glulam beams connected with steel splints and bolts mainly occurs near the loading point.With the increase of the number of fatigue cycles, the mid-span deflection of the glulam beams connected with steel splints and bolts,the tensile and compressive strains along the height of the section increase significantly, the compressive strain increases more than the tensile strain, and the strain distribution basically conforms to the assumption of the plane section.The bending stiffness of the test beam decreases with the increase of the number of fatigue cycles, which basically degrades linearly.The fatigue life of the glulam beams connected with steel splints and bolts decreases with the increase of the stress level. When the stress ratio was 0.2 and the stress level does not exceed 0.5 times the static ultimate load, the fatigue life was greater than 2 million times, indicating that the glulam beams connected with steel splints and bolts have good fatigue properties.In addition, a linear regression analysis of the amplitude of the fatigue load and the fatigue life was performed, and the fatigue ultimate load of 0.5435 Fu was obtained.Finally, the fatigue finite element analysis of the test beam was performed using ANSYS nCode software, and the analysis showed that the software could better simulate the fatigue response of the glulam beams connected with steel splints and bolts under different stress ratios.

Key words

glulam / Steel splint-bolt connection / Fatigue performance / stiffness degradation / Fatigue limit load / Finite element analysis

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CHEN Aijun, YANG Lei, ZHOU Jianhua, WANG Hang, HE Guojing, WANG Haolei. Fatigue behaviors of glulam beams connected with steel splints and bolts[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2024, 43(14): 243-252


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