Simulation of sound absorbing structure characteristics of parallel micro-perforated plates with flush surface

ZHANG Zhicheng, LIU Junlin, LIU Han, CUI Zhanpeng

Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2024, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (15) : 228-234.

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Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2024, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (15) : 228-234.

Simulation of sound absorbing structure characteristics of parallel micro-perforated plates with flush surface

  • ZHANG Zhicheng, LIU Junlin, LIU Han, CUI Zhanpeng
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To meet the need of control engineering for the noise in the high-temperature and high-speed jet channel of rocket engine gas, a parallel micro-perforated plate sound absorption structure with flush surface was proposed. Based on the sound absorption theory of micro-perforated panels, a simulation model for the sound absorption performance of COMSOL micro-perforated panel sound absorption structure was established. The sound absorption characteristics of this type of parallel micro-perforated panel sound absorption structure were simulated and studied, and the effects of various parameters such as cavity depth ratio, period, and individual width of the parallel structure on the sound absorption performance were analyzed. The results show that the sound absorption structure with satisfactory sound absorption bandwidth and sound absorption coefficient can be obtained by reasonably selecting the parameters of the micro-perforated plate, as well as the depth, period ratio, monomer width of the parallel resonant cavity. At the same time, the processing, manufacturing, installation and maintenance of this structure are simple. The research results can be used to control the strong noise radiation in the high-temperature and high-speed jet channel.

Key words

sound absorption property / micro-perforated plate / parallel structure / COMSOL simulation / resonator / period ratio

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ZHANG Zhicheng, LIU Junlin, LIU Han, CUI Zhanpeng. Simulation of sound absorbing structure characteristics of parallel micro-perforated plates with flush surface[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2024, 43(15): 228-234


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