Seismic hazard assessment of Potala Palace


Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2024, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (15) : 95-104.

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Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2024, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (15) : 95-104.

Seismic hazard assessment of Potala Palace

  • CUI Yue, YANG Na
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The Potala Palace is a famous world cultural heritage in our country. And its area is located with active faults and frequent major earthquakes. Reliable seismic risk assessment can provide a basis for seismic protection of Zang-style ancient buildings in the study area, including the Potala Palace. Compared with the shortcomings of traditional seismic hazard analysis methods, this paper proposes a systematic process of seismic hazard assessment by using the seismic physical prediction method based on the multi-locking segment rupture theory. According to the relationship between seismic intensity and the attenuation of ground motion parameters, considering the conditions of the site itself, the seismic risk assessment of the area where the Potala Palace is located was carried out. The results show that the study area is located in the Linzhi selsmic zone, and the seismic risk of the study area in the next 100 years is mainly the next M8.5 main shock or M7.8 landmark earthquake in the Linzhi selsmic zone. The seismic fault is located in the southeast bank fault of Namco near the middle section of the Yadong-Gulu fault, and the epicenter is near 30.3°N and 90.1°E. The Potala Palace complex is located in bedrock, regardless of the magnification of the mountain site, and the seismic action at the ground end of the structure is equivalent to that of bedrock. The research conclusion provides a theoretical basis for the seismic study of the structure of the Potala Palace complex.

Key words

the Potala Palace / locked patch / decay relationship / landmark earthquake / site conditions

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CUI Yue, YANG Na. Seismic hazard assessment of Potala Palace[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2024, 43(15): 95-104


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