ence of spindle vibration of screw milling machine on surface quality of a screw rotor

LIN Zeli1,2,SUN Xingwei1,2,YANG Heran1,2,ZHANG Weifeng1,2,DONG Zhixu1,2,ZHAO Hongxun1,2

Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2024, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (16) : 185-191.

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Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2024, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (16) : 185-191.

ence of spindle vibration of screw milling machine on surface quality of a screw rotor

  • LIN Zeli1,2,SUN Xingwei1,2,YANG Heran1,2,ZHANG Weifeng1,2,DONG Zhixu1,2,ZHAO Hongxun1,2
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To investigate the influence of spindle vibration on the surface quality of workpieces in screw milling machines. A neural network model for predicting the vibration characteristics of the main shaft is established through experiments on the outer envelope milling of screw rotors. The prediction model is used to predict and analyze the changes in the vibration characteristics of the main shaft under different processing parameters, and to analyze the influence of the main shaft vibration on the surface roughness value of the workpiece. The IEPE (Piezoelectric Integrated Circuit) type acceleration sensor is used to measure the characteristic values of spindle vibration during the milling process, and the TR200 portable surface roughness meter is used to measure the surface roughness value of the workpiece. Grey correlation analysis is conducted on the characteristic values of spindle vibration and surface roughness values, and the results show a significant relationship between signal peak and surface roughness values. The surface roughness value decreased with the decrease of signal peak. Particle swarm optimization algorithm is used to optimize process parameters in the constructed spindle vibration prediction model. The accuracy of the model is verified by actual processing, and the results show that the error of the model is within 6% .The actual processing test results show that the peak value of the spindle vibration signal can be reduced and higher surface quality could be obtained by using the optimal parameter. The method proposed in this article has certain inspiration and guiding significance for the selection of practical production processes for screw rotors, and can also provide reference for improving the surface quality of metal cutting.

Key words

outer envelope milling / spindle vibration / surface roughness / neural network prediction

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LIN Zeli1,2,SUN Xingwei1,2,YANG Heran1,2,ZHANG Weifeng1,2,DONG Zhixu1,2,ZHAO Hongxun1,2. ence of spindle vibration of screw milling machine on surface quality of a screw rotor[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2024, 43(16): 185-191


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