Modeling of the bourrelet-barrel contact problem and its application

MIAO Wei1,YIN Qiang1, QIAN Linfang1,2

Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2024, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (6) : 157-170.

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Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2024, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (6) : 157-170.

Modeling of the bourrelet-barrel contact problem and its application

  • MIAO Wei1,YIN Qiang1, QIAN Linfang1,2
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It is of great significance to study the contact phenomena between bourrelet and bore for understanding the in-bore motion of projectile. Hence, a bourrelet-barrel contact model is proposed. It is assumed that the contact stress between a bourrelet and a rifling land only varies longitudinally along the rifling. The surface of a rifling land is simplified as a spatial curve. The geometry of the bore is then described as a cage consisting of rifling lands. An algorithm is proposed for detecting the contact between the bourrelet and rifling lands. The contact stress is calculated with an analytical solution to a 2-D contact problem by spreading the projectile and barrel out in a circular direction. The Chebyshev-Gauss quadrature is adopted to calculate the contact load on the bourrelet and rifling lands because of the square-root singularity of the contact stress. The fitting method and identification method of determining the model parameters are presented. Theoretical analysis suggests that the contact stiffness between the bourrelet and bore varies with in-bore travel of the projectile. The influence of variance of the projectile mass-center on bourrelet-bore contact type and formation of wearing grooves on the bourrelet is analyzed through numerical simulations. It is found the equivalent contact point on the bourrelet does not locate at the bourrelet center or on the bourrelet edges.

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MIAO Wei1,YIN Qiang1, QIAN Linfang1,2. Modeling of the bourrelet-barrel contact problem and its application[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2024, 43(6): 157-170


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