Due to the difference of engineering conditions between different lines, the prediction accuracy of environmental vibration source strength of 18 guidelines semi-empirical model is low, which wastes a lot of time and economic cost in the subsequent vibration reduction work. In order to improve the prediction accuracy, realize the precise screening of sensitive points of environmental vibration, and save the cost of vibration reduction. A vehicle-track-shield tunnel coupling vibration model was established to reflect the tunnel wall vibration. Based on MC method, a stochastic reliability analysis method was proposed for the prediction of environmental vibration source strength. Three correction items in the semi-empirical model, CW, CR and CT, were taken as examples. The main factors leading to the random discreteness of the prediction accuracy of correction items are analyzed and the corresponding standardization management suggestions are put forward. The main research conclusions are as follows: The established model has high computational efficiency and accuracy, and the calculation time of a single working condition is 90s, which can make up for the shortcoming of the time consuming MC method. The time domain amplitude error is less than 12%, and the source intensity error is less than 1dB. The difference of nonlinear carrier frequency varying stiffness between different elastic pads of the same fastener is an important reason for the random dispersion of CW accuracy, which leads to the error of -1~+3dB in the prediction of source strength; The difference of rail wear grade between different lines is an important reason for the random discretization of CR accuracy, which will lead to the error of -3~+3dB in the prediction of source strength. The large difference of elastic modulus between different medium and hard soils is an important reason for the random dispersion of CT accuracy. When soil shear wave velocity is between 250 and 375m/s, the accuracy of CT is relatively high, while when it is between 375 and 500m/s, the accuracy of CT is low, and the prediction error can reach 3dB. Considering the errors brought by multiple correction items at the same time, the error range of source strength prediction can reach -4~+9dB, and it is very possible to adopt vibration reduction measures that do not meet the actual requirements of section during design, thus wasting a lot of vibration reduction costs. Therefore, it is suggested to strictly control the randomness of related factors such as nonlinear carrier frequency variable stiffness of elastic plate of fasteners and rail wear grade. At the same time, the medium-hard soils are divided into two types by shear wave velocity of 375m/s and corresponding correction terms are given.
Key words
Urban rail transit /
Vehicle-track coupling dynamics;Ambient vibration /
Random vibration
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