Propagation characteristics of body wave in gradient heterogeneous unsaturated soil

WANG Meng1, MA Qiang1, 2

Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (9) : 112-122.

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Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (9) : 112-122.

Propagation characteristics of body wave in gradient heterogeneous unsaturated soil

  • WANG Meng1, MA Qiang1, 2
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Based on the propagation theory of waves in unsaturated porous media, using the Helmholtz vector decomposition principle, considering the inhomogeneity of unsaturated soil media and assuming that the physical and mechanical properties of soil media vary according to a power function along the depth direction, using the return ray matrix method, a diffusion equations for body wave fluctuation problems in gradient inhomogeneous unsaturated soils is obtained by using . The effect of gradient factor, that is, soil inhomogeneity, on the propagation characteristics of bulk waves in unsaturated soil is studied. The results show that the wave velocities of the P1, P2 and S waves increase significantly with the increase of the gradient factor, while the wave velocity of the P3 wave is less affected by the gradient factor; the attenuation coefficients of the P2 and P3 waves decreases with the increase of the gradient factor. However, the attenuation coefficient of P1 wave and S wave only increases significantly with the increase of gradient factor at high frequency. The wave velocity of P2 wave and P3 wave increases significantly with the increase of frequency, the wave velocity of P1 wave and S wave only increases slowly with the increase of frequency at high frequency; the attenuation coefficient of P2 wave and P3 wave increases with the increase of frequency The attenuation coefficient of P1 wave and S wave increases with the increase of frequency only at high frequency. The inhomogeneity of unsaturated soil has a significant effect on the wave velocity and attenuation coefficient of body waves. With the increase of depth, the influence of soil inhomogeneity on the wave velocity and attenuation coefficient gradually decreases.

Key words

unsaturated soil / gradient inhomogeneity / body wave / wave propagation

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WANG Meng1, MA Qiang1, 2. Propagation characteristics of body wave in gradient heterogeneous unsaturated soil[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2023, 42(9): 112-122


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