Time-varying cable force identification method based on radar vibration measurement technique

WANG Tianpeng1,2, ZHANG Jianren2, JIANG Shuxia3, LIU Wen3, CHEN Yiguang1

Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (9) : 205-212.

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Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (9) : 205-212.

Time-varying cable force identification method based on radar vibration measurement technique

  • WANG Tianpeng1,2, ZHANG Jianren2, JIANG Shuxia3, LIU Wen3, CHEN Yiguang1
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According to the principle of vibration frequency force measurement, a time-varying cable force identification method based on continuous complex wavelet transform is proposed. The vibration signal of the cable is divided into several smaller analysis periods. The continuous complex Morlet wavelet transform is performed on the signal in each analysis period to obtain the wavelet coefficients. The improved wavelet threshold denoising function is used to denoise the wavelet coefficients. The wavelet ridge is extracted on the equal amplitude surface by isoline method, and the nearest neighbor method is used for fitting and interpolation. Then the interpolation is averaged in the frequency domain to identify the instantaneous frequency of the cable, and then the time-varying cable force is calculated. Taking microwave radar as the test means, a time-varying cable force identification test is designed. The test results show that this method can extract the continuous instantaneous frequency of vibration signal. Whether the cable force changes linearly or sinusoidally, it can accurately identify the change law of cable force. The maximum error between the cable force identification result and the actual cable force is only 3.8%, And it still shows good applicability in the case of low signal-to-noise ratio. The application results of real bridge show that the radar test method combined with the time-varying cable force identification method in this paper can obtain the cable force time history conveniently and effectively.

Key words

bridge engineering / time-varying cable force / instantaneous frequency / microwave radar / Threshold denoising / wavelet ridge

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WANG Tianpeng1,2, ZHANG Jianren2, JIANG Shuxia3, LIU Wen3, CHEN Yiguang1. Time-varying cable force identification method based on radar vibration measurement technique[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2023, 42(9): 205-212


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