Narrow-band active noise control using highly efficient remote microphone technique

WU Fangbo1,2, LU Chihua1,2, LIU Zhi’en1,2, YANG Zhongli1,2

Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (9) : 268-274.

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Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (9) : 268-274.

Narrow-band active noise control using highly efficient remote microphone technique

  • WU Fangbo1,2, LU Chihua1,2, LIU Zhi’en1,2, YANG Zhongli1,2
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Remote Microphone Technique (RMT) is a classic virtual microphone active noise control technology. This technology can expand the range of noise control, and has great research potential in Active Noise Control (ANC) in car. However, its large computational load increases the cost of the processor, which limits its application in mass-produced vehicles to a certain extent.  This paper introduces the adaptive notch algorithm into RMT, and proposes a remote microphone technique combined with the adaptive notch algorithm, which effectively reduces the amount of calculation compared with the traditional remote microphone technique.  Using multi-frequency mixed noise as the primary sound source for simulation experiments, comparing the noise reduction performance and algorithm calculation power of the above two remote microphone techniques. The results show that the noise reduction ability of the remote microphone technique proposed in this article is equivalent to the traditional technology, and the running time is shorter than the traditional one.  The remote microphone technique proposed in this paper is applied to the ANC system bench experiment. The results show that the system can still quickly converge and achieve a good noise reduction effect when the target noise reduction area is far away from the physical microphone.

Key words

remote microphone technique / virtual microphone / active noise control / adaptive notch algorithm

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WU Fangbo1,2, LU Chihua1,2, LIU Zhi’en1,2, YANG Zhongli1,2. Narrow-band active noise control using highly efficient remote microphone technique[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2023, 42(9): 268-274


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