The purpose of this study is to generalize the radiative energy transfer method (RETM) to the sandwich coupled plates model. The vibration governing equation of the sandwich plate is deduced, and the wave propagation characteristic parameters of the structure are obtained. Based on the wave method, the energy transfer coefficients of the sandwich coupled plates are deduced. According to the energy density governing equation, the kernel functions of energy density and power flow intensity are obtained. According to Huygens principle, the energy inside the structure can be obtained by the superposition of the direct field energy radiated by the real source and the reflected field energy radiated by the boundary virtual sources. The intensities of the boundary virtual sources are obtained by solving the Fredholm equation of the second type. Numerical results are compared with those of the modal superposition and power flow analysis (PFA) to verify the correctness and accuracy of the established model. By solving a coupled structure of L-shaped sandwich plates, we obtain its energy density and power flow distribution characteristics.
Key words
sandwich plate /
radiative energy transfer method /
energy transfer coefficient /
energy density /
power flow
{{custom_keyword}} /
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